News & Events


Date : 2019-06-17
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Kampuchean Young Leaders’ Action (KYLA) held its workshop on "Environment and Recycling" on 14-15 June 2019, in aiming to provide 135 youths at six targeted high schools in Tbaung Khmum and Kampong Cham provinces with support from Oaktree foundation and Australian Aid and implemented by KAPE.


This workshop consisted of main objectives to provide knowledge of environmental affected in communities and schools especially the youths were provided with opportunities and space for gathering to share knowledge about the environmental concerns to their friends and local communities.


In Cambodia, according to the estimation, the aged rate of youth group under 30 ages, who were from 59% to 65%, have the highest level compared to the youth age in Southeast Asia. Noticeably, a third of youths used to attend primary schools and a small percentage of those youths attended universities.


Through funding from donors including Aoktree foundation and other donors, KAPE provides opportunities for many students to have higher education. In this respective, KAPE has established a network of youth who receive scholarships to study at universities or teacher training institutions that are currently working at various institutions. This network’s been called “Alumni Association” that support the next generation having opportunities to study at universities. There have been many forms of support including: budget contributions, role players and attending the meetings,…etc.


KAPE would use funds from Aoktree foundation to continue running the alumni association as a central based-structure for a well-organized network of scholarship programs. In addition, the association provides professional telephone counseling and youth voices in many institutions: schools, local institutions, and universities.


The KYLA project is aiming to increase opportunities for youth to use their potentials by empowering youth leaders to mobilize resources that benefit them in the society including: educational institutes, government and society.


Providing place for youth gathering to share experiences, ideas, especially it is connected their own lives living with environmental impacts and initiating to recycling, making them engage in community development with creative ideas and enhancing youthful resources. Giving youth the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences is a method of transferring duties to the younger generation automatically.




Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





