Past Projects
Beacon School Initiative (BSI)
Project Description
The Beacon School Initiative (BSI) is an innovative project which aims to bring private school standards to state schools. KAPE is transforming three selected state schools into New Generation Schools, demonstrating high learning standards, strong governance and continual professional development of teachers.
KAPE is assisted by the Provincial Office of Education (POE) and the Provincial Teacher Training Center (PTTC) in the selection of teachers. A board helps to implement new governance structures and ensure more effective school management and student, parent and community involvement.
Innovative classrooms, computers and science labs have been created for better learning and opportunities by students.
BSI has made substantial renovations to three target secondary schools using new and innovative approaches in school design to better utilize land and space, lighted classrooms, theme tables, and improved landscaping. The classrooms have been upgraded and made into subject classrooms. New IT labs, science labs, model farms and upgraded libraries have been established, with new furniture.
The project has organized a number of workshops which include new and innovative learning environments, cooperative learning, curriculum enhancement, learning pyramids and more specific topics geared towards the use of library and science labs for students to actively learn. The Oversight Board regularly monitors the schools and supports the project to ensure that the highest standards are achieved
Core Goals
The Beacon School Initiative seeks to establish multiple development tracks for state schools, based on their developmental readiness to utilize technical assistance. The project not only provides sophisticated technical inputs to selected schools with high potential for development but also stresses specialized governance structures that ensure effective and accountable use of these resources. Also included in this approach are performance-based pay for teachers, based on specific extra tasks that school personnel perform, e.g. organizing special projects involving constructivist learning, providing career counseling, advising school clubs, etc.
This two- track development approach introduces a model of Public Private Partnership in the management of three public schools by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in close collaboration with KAPE.
Key Activities & Achievements
- Prime Minister Hun Sen awarded the Demonstration School in Kampong Cham a prize for 2nd Best School in Cambodia with a cash award of $1,500
- Official adoption of the New Generation School model by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), with plans for additional schools
- Major improvement from baseline for BSI teachers’ computer literacy
- Completion of a Discussion Paper for national circulation that summarizes successes and lessons learned
- Income generation levels at the original Demonstration School exceeded $15,000 in Year 5 and successful introduction of income generation at Samdech Mae High School
Target Groups
- Students in Grades 7 to 9 in 3 secondary schools in three districts in two provinces including Kampong Cham and Tbaung Khmum
- School management and teachers
- Parents of students
BSI supported by
The Oaktree Foundation, Breteau Foundation, Apple Corporation
Primary Schools
High Schools
Higher Education Institutions