Current Projects

Covid19 Education Sector Response & Recovery Project​ (CERRP)


This project is a technical collaboration between KAPE and MoEYS-UNICEF to assist with technical and quality assurance support to Ministry departments leading to the development of Continuous Learning Worksheets and Remedial Programming as part of a special grant from GPE3 to support Covid19 Response and Recovery in education. The project began in December 2020 and will continue for one year. KAPE’s role focuses heavily on both helping with donor coordination as well as technical support to individual departments. The development of a remedial learning package developed in consultation with PED and DCD will be one of the major achievements of the project along with rationalization of online learning activities. 



Objective for Component 1: Provide support for the ongoing delivery of continuous or distance learning services to children across the country, with specific attention to pedagogical instruction. This will involve production of continuous or distance learning programmes and pedagogical support for teachers. There will be a focus on producing paper-based resources to support the most vulnerable children. Capacity development of MoEYS. 


Objective for Component 2: Ensure adaptive learning environments are able to meet the learning needs of the most vulnerable girls and boys. 


Key Activities

Component 1: Continuous or Distance Learning

  • Perform a rapid analysis of the existing situation to quantify available resources produced (including analysis of data available at school level from TWG), and a small school scale sample survey on worksheets difficulty.
  • Assess existing resources, expected resource production and the most effective distribution method for continuous learning, in the MoEYS
  • Support TWGs in worksheet development for students focusing on accessibility, standardization, assessment, and monitoring.
  • Support the TWG to harmonize the worksheets with video production and classify to assure that all material is cross-referenced.
  • Support TWGs in video development for students
  • Support MoEYS (DIT & CDDE) to upload all existing content and material in the existing e-learning platform for Pre-primary, Grades 1 to 9 and create a structure for future work undertaken by MoEYS, based on the reference system defined.
  • Support TWGs and specialist departments in adaptation for Special Needs and Inclusive Education (rapid assessment and advise)
  • Liaise with teacher training institutions for any technical support
  • Support TWGs in planning, resource management and reporting to UNICEF
  • Conduct periodic monitoring visits in the field with the MoEYS staff and in autonomy


Component 2: Remedial Support for Children at Risk

  • Analyze the curriculum and learning resources.
  • Design learning assets to support teachers to conduct remedial classes.
  • Support TWGs in planning, resource management, and reporting to UNICEF.
  • Conduct periodic monitoring visits in the field


Target Group

Children affected by the Covid19 Pandemic in Grades 1 to 9


Target Areas

All Provinces


Start Date

1 December 2020


End Date

30 November 2021


Supported by

Global Partnership for Education - UNICEF





Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





