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Work with MoEYS to build an effective response to support Cambodian students challenges in learning during the COVID-19 emergency
Date : 2021-05-31

In December 2020, KAPE signed a one-year agreement, with UNICEF, to support the MoEYS to respond to the COVID-19 emergency, under the CAMBODIA GPE COVID-19 EDUCATION SECTOR RESPONSE AND RECOVERY PROGRAMME (CERRP.
KAPE role is to support the MoEYS Technical Departments in two main components:
- Continuous Distance Learning (priority when schools are closed): to improve the access and quality of all the distance learning material produced by the MoEYS (videos and worksheets)
- Distance Adaptive Learning (as soon as the school opens): remedial learning packages (កញ្ចប់ឯកសារការសិក្សាបំប៉នបន្ថែម) to support children to reinforce core competencies in Math and Khmer, to allow them to being able to learn in the future Grades.
During the first period, January/April 2021, KAPE prioritized the support to the Primary Education Department, on Component 2, Remedial learning. KAPE is responsible for Khmer language Packages, with the Partners, VVOB, responsible for Math. The project team supported the PED (Primary Education Department) to issue the Directive n.13 that instruct primary schools in the implementation of remedial support, assigning three Thursdays per month, plus any additional teaching time needed during the normal time, breaks and as homework. The general assumption is that all students will need some sort of extra learning support, once back in school, to recuperate the learning loss. As next step, KAPE and VVOB identified the content of the remedial packages, extrapolating the core competencies for Khmer and Math, considered the basic and core knowledge that all students need to have to access future learning, and supported the design and distributions of the Remedial Learning packages, through the official MoEYS channels, including Telegram and the e-learning Platform ( Due to the continuous disruptive school closure, after the February 20 outbreak, KAPE started immediately to work on the other component, with Open Institute (OI), as implementing Partner, to improve access and quality of distance learning resources (both paper-based and digital). Currently, OI and KAPE are supporting all MoEYS Technical Departments (PED, ECED, DGSE, SED/NISE) to categorize and organize the distance learning material and correctly upload in the MoEYS platforms. KAPE also support the MoEYS Technical Departments to improve the quality for both paper-based and digital learning materials, now and in the future. KAPE is also coordinating with the Center of Distance and Digital Learning, to assure harmonization in the overall effort to improve digital learning. For June 2021, the project expectation is to have all distance learning resources for Primary level organized and accessible in the MoEYS Portals, including approved supplementary learning material approved by the MoEYS.
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